Dear HeartCry,

Firstly, I would like to thank God for the great things he has done for my family and my church. By the grace of God, we are well as family and as church. Thank you very much for your prayers and support.

I continue to teach children at church that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, victor and helper they need. As they learn more about Christian life, I encourage them to participate in corporate prayer and public scripture reading, praying for each other and listening audible word of God together. In doing so, they improve reading skill of our own language and enjoy reading the scripture. It also helps them learn to appreciate community life and to love and care for each other which is the essence of Christianity. This is the first Christian generation of this people group and I thank God that they are being built up on solid Christian foundation. One day, they will lead their own people to Christ and it will be unstoppable.

Moreover, I’m teaching and preaching about things to come in the end time, about eternal life God has prepared for those who believe in Christ, and about eternal damnation for unbelievers. I think it’s good for them to warn about the sure result of unbelief in Christ. I believe that God is with my ministry and I have seen members are growing in knowledge of God’s grace and his salvation. I’ve been encouraged to see some people even witnessing Christ to others. And they always say that they are strongly persuaded to become a Christian sooner or later. I hope that would be the case! I believe it is inevitable because the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

I am also giving pastoral counseling to a couple on the brink of divorce. Thank God that they are getting on well gradually. Please pray that they would understand their marriage in the light of Christ’s love and faithfulness for the church. I continue to have increasing fellowship with unbelievers from nearby animist villages. While it is a slow progress to see the fruits, I’m glad that all of them have at least heard the gospel and in God’s timing, I believe, those who were appointed to eternal life would be added to the family of God. With this firm assurance, I pastor my sheep, I preach the Gospel to those outside the church. 

Please keep praying for the work here. May God bless all of you who participate in carrying out our Lord’s Great Commission!

In His Service, Yi